Margit-Anna Süss describes her musical overview across the centuries as follows: “I want to show what music had to say in the different epochs and how it can be adapted to suit the harp. For the sake of greater contrasts, I have intentionally avoided keeping to chronological order: Johann Sebastian Bach follows Louis Spohr, Joseph Haydn comes between Bach and Peter Michael Hamel (born 1947) – and Paul Hindemith closes the ‘changing times’ with his poetical sonata. I have not only recorded pieces originally written for harp; my priority in making my selection was intrinsic musical value. The trend nowadays is not to go for complete works but to pick out isolated sections or movements, like chocolates with a particular filling made to suit individual tastes, thus avoiding demanding too much of the listener but just putting him in a relaxed mood by means of ‘background music’. In contrast, my solo album consists of complete works ranging from baroque to post-modern, to which he will be happy to give his full attention.”
01 Louis Spohr: Fantasie c-moll für Harfe solo op.35
02 Louis Spohr: Variationen über die Melodie “Ich bin noch jung” op. 36
03 Johann Sebastian Bach: Suite Nr.1 BWV 996 für Laute in der Adaption für Harfe von Marie-Claiere Jamet
04 Joseph Haydn: Thema con Variazioni für Harfe solo Hob. XVII: Nr. 5
05 Peter Michael Hamel: Miniaturen für Harfe
06 Paul Hindemith: Sonate für Harfe
TT 71:20
Margit-Anna Süß, Harp
☞ »Anna Margit Süss verzaubert den Zuhörer in ihrer Einspielung mit Harfenklängen aus verschiedenen Epochen. Klangteppiche und Tontupfer bilden eine hervorragende Mischung.« Benjamin Scholten für, 1. März 2010
☞ »Reizvolle Klänge aus drei Jahrhunderten von Barock bis Romantik, mit Oboe oder Englisch Horn und Harfe …« Radio Nordseewelle, 12. August 2017